Monday, March 1, 2010

Dear Diary...I am at a complete loss..

I need to write but each and every time I sit down to do so, I draw a blank. Like now. WTF???? Sometimes I feel as if I have nothing to say... but other times, I can't get my thoughts to slow down long enough to start writing. So today, I decided to quit procrastinating and just START typing whatever comes to mind. Crazy I know, but it's therapeutic.. and LORD KNOWS, therapy probably couldn't hurt - so here it is. My Diary is my therapy.

Don't like it? Don't have to read it.

I know that sounds angry and a bit standoff'ish but its how I feel. I've been repressed for far too long anyway. Emotions and feelings are meant to be felt, not bottled up inside. I have done that for too many years. Probably why I have issues.

Damn. I'm screwed up. Not good. :(

Anyway.... I'm hungry. I want spaghetti. [heading to the kitchen] In the meantime, here's my horoscope, maybe someone else can make sense of this and how it applies to my life because in my present state of mind, I damn sure can't.


VIRGO Daily Horoscope

You're bursting with great energy today, and you may feel a compulsion to act altruistically. If you do, expect some sweet responses from your noble actions, and the urge to build further bridges.

Today you might want to slide on over to the slow lane -- after all, you've been racing faster than the speed limit for far too long. Tons of interesting stuff is going on now, and if you don't ease up on the gas pedal, you may miss out. Sure, it's nice to have a lot going on in your life, but sometimes it's just as nice to step on the brakes and take a more leisurely route to where you are going. The landscape is lovely in your life right now -- why not take a longer look?

Stay tuned....I'll be back....

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